Friday, December 4, 2015


The most overt symbol in the play is Mama’s plant. It represents both Mama’s care and her dream for her family.  She confesses that the plant never gets enough light or water, but she takes pride in how it nevertheless flourishes under her care. Even without the luxury of having more than needed but at least the necessary she is able to keep alive this plant. Her care for her plant is similar to her care for her children in a way, unconditional and unending despite a less-than-perfect environment for growth.
The plant also symbolizes her dream to own a house and, more specifically, to have a garden and a yard. With her plant, she practices her gardening skills for when she will eventually needs them.Her success with the plant helps her believe that she would be successful as a gardener. Her persistence and dedication to the plant fosters her hope that her dream may come true some day.

1 comment:

  1. The plant really does symbolizes Mama's love, care, and dreams throughout the whole story. "That raggedy-looking old thing?" (121). Even when the plant is criticized, Mama comes to its defense just like how she did when Beneatha was being criticized by Mrs. Johnson. Mama is loving and protective of her family. Referring back to when Beneatha made fun of the plant, Mama's response was "It expresses ME!" (121). Mama saying that couldn't make it any more obvious that the plant does indeed symbolizes her.
